Road Tripping From Phoenix to Sedona: 5 Stops To Make Along the Way

In the short 2-hour drive from Phoenix to Sedona, you are rewarded with absolutely unparalleled views. But what is a road trip without some fun stops? From one of the oldest preserved cliff dwellings in the entire continent, to a 1970s era experimental community, to some truly famous pie, here are 5 worthwhile stops to check out along the way!

10 Scenic Road Trips to Take in California

California is such a wildly diverse state, you could spend years getting caught up in exploring all of its beauty. Here are some of my favorite picks for scenic California road trips you need to take, stat!

A First Timer’s Road Trip Guide for Driving to Baja, Mexico

With its warm climate, delicious and affordable food, nice beaches, and fun-loving people, a road trip to Baja is just what the doctor ordered. In order to make your first timer’s trip as seamless as possible, I’ve pulled together a list of the most important things you need to know.

Road Trip: Isle of Skye, Scotland in Less than 48 Hours

Isle of Skye is one of Scotland’s most famous, picturesque isles, known for its breathtaking, untamed beauty and magical charm. Waterfalls, unreal terrain, towering cliffs, and unparalleled views make Skye a must-see, even if you’re short on time. While more time is, obviously, recommended if you have it, we had less than 48 hours. Here’s how we made that possible.